Compositor (X11)

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If you use a DE with X11, then you probably have a compositor. The compositor does nice things like window shadow and effects. But it also reduces fps, adds input lag, and introduces stuttering. That's why you should disable it when running a game.

Disabling composition for your games

This page needs work, for the following reason(s): I don't know whether the procedure for disabling composition in Cinnamon actually works. Please edit if you know more.

Disabling composition will dramatically improve input lag and "smoothness". Here is how to do it:

  • If you use KDE: This can be done with a switch in Lutris settings. Right click the game -> Configure -> System options -> Disable desktop effects. If you use Steam or Heroic, you have to manually disable composition with shift + alt + f12. The same combination re-enables it.
  • If you use Gnome: You don't have to do anything.
  • If you use Cinnamon: Go to settings -> general -> disable compositing for full-screen window